Delightful Estate Planning Attorney
Does a trustee have to provide an accounting? Right to formal accounting: generally speaking, a trustee is required to provide …
Does a trustee have to provide an accounting? Right to formal accounting: generally speaking, a trustee is required to provide …
What is estate planning and why is it important? Estate planning is all about protecting your loved ones, which means …
Property in a Revocable Living Trust: If you have a Revocable Living Trust that holds assets, anything inside that Trust …
Ancillary probate was when the decedent had property in a different state and that asset had to be liquidated to …
When a Social Security beneficiary dies, their surviving spouse is eligible for survivor benefits. What legal documents should every person …
It is irrevocable, which means that once you create an ILIT, the trust generally cannot be changed or revoked; the …
Are trusts a good idea? A trust allows you to be very specific about how, when and to whom your …
What is the purpose of an estate plan? An estate plan is a collection of documents that protects your assets …
A living will documents your end-of-life preferences. Why is asset protection important? Asset protection serves as a barrier between you …
Nonetheless, the differences in how the two documents operate should be carefully considered before choosing between them. I need help …